Did you buy a house in 2021? You might qualify for the home buyer's tax credit. This is a non-refundable tax credit of $5,000. That means that you can get up to a $750 credit on your taxes if you would otherwise have owed taxes that year. That's what non-refundable means - it means you don't get the money unless you were supposed to pay some money.
So, how do you qualify for the home buyer's credit? You and your spouse have to be buying your first home, or your first home in the last four years.
If either one of you has owned a house in the last four years, then you do not qualify for this tax credit. But $750 is $750, and I see this mistake happen all the time. Most people either don't know about the rule or don't think to tell their tax preparer that they bought a house.
If you realize that you might have missed this in the past, go talk to your accountant and get that older tax return adjusted and get that $750 back!
Bryan Petersen is an accountant and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience mentoring small and medium businesses across Alberta. Learn more about working with Bryan and the dedicated team at Alberta Wide Virtual Accounting.